FM WhatsApp mod apk download

 🌀 FM WhatsApp: Modded by sammods

🎯 Version - v9.21 🔺#update


⏩ Features and mod :

├Modded version of WhatsApp

├Supports installing themes

├Freezing last seen to anytime

├Send images in high quality

├Download your contacts status

├Fully Antiban and much more..

├Official Mod by sammods


 📌  Direct Download Link  👇

             click here to download mod


About this application

We’ve written the steps below on how to download and install the mods on your device:

  1. Back up your messages and media files before uninstalling the official version of WhatsApp. Follow the steps below to back up your files:
    • Open WhatsApp and tap on the Menu
    • Click on Settings
    • Tap on chats
    • Click on Chat Backup
    • Click on the Backup button and this will be saved on a cloud storage
  2. Enable “Unknown Sources” when you are prompted before you install the app. Below are the instructions to enable this option on your mobile device:
    • Go to Settings
    • Tap on Security
    • Enable “Unknown Sources”
  3. Vist your downloads or file manager where the APK file is most likely located
  4. Click on the APK file
  5. Click on the “Install” button.
  6. Installation might take a few seconds
  7. Click on the Open button to launch or the Done button to finish the installation
  8. Open the newly installed app
  9. After launching, click on “Agree and Continue”
  10. Input your phone number and click on “Copy WhatsApp Data”
  11. If you’ve followed all the instructions above, then you’ve successfully backed up your account. Click on the Restore button.
  12. In the Menu, you will find the Fouad Mods option

Features of Fouad WhatsApp and FMWhatsApp

You might be wondering about the main differences between the two WhatsApp mods. There’s not much of a difference, but if you want to make a comparison, we’ve listed down the descriptions and various features of these two mods.

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